Lime-Lite Enhanced is specially formulated for use with adhesives, composites and conventional restorative materials. It contains an improved moisture-friendly formula with the following characteristics: Greater adhesion to dentin Greater release of calcium, phosphate and fluoride Durable – high compressive strength and wear resistance Shock absorbing – will not fracture or crumble Contains no Bisphenol A,…
UltraCal XS 35% Calcium Hydroxide Paste – Refill: 4 – 1.2 mL Syringes. 12.5 pH Aqueous Solution in Prefilled Syringes. Radiopaque. Used for Temporary Filling and Disinfection of Root Canals. It is recommend the larger 29ga NaviTip tip be used for predictable flow, enabling direct placement. UltraCal XS can be thoroughly removed from the canal…
Provicol QM is a eugenol-free temporary cement with calcium hydroxide that is dispensed through an automix syringe. The adhesive is indicated for temporary cementation of crowns and bridges.