Relyx Fiber Post Introductory Kit. Kit contains: 5 postes of each size: 1, 2, and 3; 1 drill of each size: 1, 2, and 3; 1 reamer universal drill and 20 elongation tips.
RelyX Fiber Post 3D – Size 3, Blue 10 Pk. Coronal 3D macro retention offers high mechanical retention to core build-up material. Microporous surface creates strong bond in root canal without a silanating step. Better post position due to improved radiopacity. Excellent radiopacity for optimal position control.
Gold and silver plated stainless steel self threading retention pins. TMS Link L-511 Minikin Red .017 .425 mm Gold-Plated stainless steel Single Shear Pins for mechanical or manual placement, Complete Kit: 20 Self-Threading Pins, 1 Color-Coded Kodex Drill (K91) and 1 Universal Hand Driver (L590).